Blue Australorp Chicken Features and Prices 2024

The Blue Australorp chicken, with its striking blue plumage and impressive egg-laying abilities, stands as a remarkable breed in the world of poultry. Originating from Australia, the Australorp breed has gained worldwide recognition for its dual-purpose nature, combining both aesthetic appeal and practical utility. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the fascinating characteristics, history, breeding, care, and significance of the Blue Australorp chicken breed.
- Blue Australorp Chicken Features and Prices 2024
- Blue Australorp Chicken History
- Blue Australorp Chicken Characteristics
- Blue Australorp Chicken Prices
Blue Australorp Chicken History
The history of the Blue Australorp chicken is deeply intertwined with the development of the Australorp breed as a whole. The Australorp breed itself originated in Australia in the early 20th century and was the result of selective breeding efforts aimed at creating a superior utility bird that excelled in both egg production and meat quality.
The Australorp breed was developed by crossing several established chicken breeds, including Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Langshans, among others. These crosses were carefully selected to combine desirable traits such as high egg productivity, rapid growth, and adaptability to Australian environmental conditions.
The breed’s name, “Australorp,” is a combination of “Australia” and “Orpington,” reflecting its Australian origins and the influence of the Orpington breed in its development. The breed was officially recognized and standardized in Australia in the early 1920s, with the first breed standards established by the Australorp Club of Australia.
Initially, Australorps were primarily black in color, with the Black Australorp becoming the most well-known and widely recognized variety of the breed. However, selective breeding efforts later led to the development of other color varieties, including the Blue Australorp.
The Blue Australorp variety was developed through careful selection and breeding for specific plumage coloration. The blue coloration is the result of specific genetic factors, including the presence of the dilution gene, which affects the expression of pigmentation in the feathers. Breeders worked to establish and stabilize the blue coloration while maintaining the breed’s other desirable traits, such as egg-laying ability, meat quality, and temperament.
Over the years, Blue Australorps have gained recognition and popularity among poultry enthusiasts for their striking appearance, excellent egg-laying abilities, and gentle temperament. They have become valued members of backyard flocks, exhibition shows, and breeding programs around the world.
Today, the Blue Australorp, along with other varieties of the Australorp breed, continues to be celebrated for its contributions to the poultry industry and its role as a versatile and dependable breed suitable for both small-scale and commercial poultry production. Its rich history and enduring legacy serve as a testament to the dedication and expertise of the breeders who have worked tirelessly to develop and promote this remarkable breed.
Blue Australorp Chicken Characteristics
Blue Australorp chickens are renowned for their distinctive traits, making them a sought-after breed among poultry enthusiasts. Here are the key characteristics that define the Blue Australorp chicken:

- Blue Plumage: The most striking feature of the Blue Australorp is its captivating blue plumage. This breed exhibits a range of blue hues, from slate-gray to deep blue, creating a stunning appearance that sets it apart from other chicken breeds. The feathers are lustrous and glossy, adding to the bird’s overall beauty.
- Medium Size and Sturdy Build: Blue Australorps typically have a medium-sized and robust build. They boast well-proportioned bodies with broad chests, strong legs, and a sturdy stance. While not as massive as some other meat breeds, Blue Australorps have enough substance to provide a good yield of meat while maintaining agility and mobility.
- Dual-Purpose Utility: Blue Australorps are valued for their dual-purpose utility, excelling in both egg production and meat quality. Hens are prolific layers, consistently producing large brown eggs throughout the year. Roosters also possess sufficient meat quality, making them suitable for meat production as well.
- Gentle Temperament: Known for their docile and friendly disposition, Blue Australorps are an excellent choice for backyard flocks and family settings. They are calm, sociable, and easy to handle, making them suitable for poultry keepers of all levels of experience.
- Hardiness and Adaptability: Blue Australorps are known for their hardiness and adaptability to various environmental conditions. They can tolerate a wide range of climates and are well-suited to both free-range and confined housing systems. Their ability to thrive in diverse conditions makes them a practical choice for poultry keepers worldwide.
- Efficient Feed Conversion: Australorps are efficient feed converters, meaning they can efficiently convert feed into eggs and meat. This trait makes them cost-effective to raise and maintain, contributing to their popularity among small-scale and commercial poultry producers.
- Longevity and Productivity: Blue Australorps have a reputation for longevity and productivity, with hens laying consistently for an extended period. With proper care and management, Australorp hens can provide a steady supply of fresh eggs for many years, making them valuable contributors to any egg-producing flock.
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Blue Australorp Chicken Prices
Blue Australorp chicken prices can vary depending on various factors such as age, quality, lineage, and the reputation of the breeder or seller. Additionally, local market conditions and availability can influence pricing. Here’s a general overview of the price ranges you might encounter when purchasing Blue Australorp chickens:
- Chicks: Day-old Blue Australorp chicks typically range in price from $3 to $8 per chick, depending on factors such as hatchery reputation, lineage, and quantity purchased. Chicks from reputable breeders or hatcheries with high-quality breeding stock may be priced at the higher end of the range.
- Pullets and Cockerels: Young Australorp pullets (female chicks) and cockerels (male chicks) that are a few months old may range in price from $10 to $30 each. Prices can vary based on factors such as age, color, and confirmation to breed standards. Pullets that are close to point-of-lay (when they start laying eggs) may be priced higher than younger chicks.
- Mature Birds: Fully matured Blue Australorp chickens, including laying hens and breeding pairs, can range in price from $20 to $50 or more per bird. The price may be influenced by factors such as age, egg-laying performance, show-quality traits, and pedigree.
- Show-Quality Birds: Blue Australorps bred for exhibition purposes, with exceptional plumage coloration, confirmation, and adherence to breed standards, may command higher prices. Show-quality birds from reputable breeders may range from $50 to $100 or more per bird, depending on their quality and potential for success in poultry shows.
- Rare Varieties: In some cases, rare or unusual varieties of Australorps, such as those with specific color variations or genetic traits, may be priced higher due to their scarcity and desirability among collectors and enthusiasts. Prices for rare varieties can vary widely and may exceed standard pricing for more common colorations.
When purchasing Blue Australorp chickens, it’s essential to buy from reputable breeders or hatcheries with a history of producing healthy, high-quality birds. Additionally, consider factors such as transportation costs and quarantine procedures if purchasing from a distant location. Investing in healthy and well-bred birds from reputable sources can help ensure a successful and rewarding experience with your Blue Australorp flock.